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Exeter, Devon |

You will find that only a few people are willing to be patient. However, putting off instant gratification until later in order to obtain bigger rewards is essential to achieving true success.

Patience doesn’t necessarily mean attending to the delays that sometimes occur, which are often an invitation to procrastination. Avoiding commitment is not the way to achieve success but there are distinct differences between “I need more time,” and the notion that achieving lasting results require time.

To be truly successful, we need to practice patience in all areas of our life, when it comes to business, negotiations, communications goals and even employee relationships.

If we put off doing a thing and find ourselves going nowhere, we are sabotaging ourselves. If we put off doing it but find that, with struggle and effort, we are slowly progressing toward the desired goal, we can congratulate ourselves on having demonstrated a true willingness to postpone gratification ? an enormous asset and an indispensable element in self-realisation and success.

Training and development takes time and just like any other hard-earned discipline, we get better at being patient the more we practice it.

Rewards are often related to the ability to endure necessary waiting. Just think, to become a surgeon, lawyer, diplomat, or professional salesperson takes time and dedication. While working toward the goal, little or nothing is earned, and recognition for work done and energy output is minimal. The rewards come later. This makes the reward that much more meaningful because work has been put in for the greater good of your success.

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